Government's Warning To Google And Apple Users, One Mistake Will Cause The Device To Be Hacked

If you use Google Chrome or are an Apple user, then be careful. Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In), the cyber security agency of the Government of India, has issued a warning to the users of both the companies. Government agency has detected glitches in Google Chrome and Apple iTunes. According to Cert-In, because of these, cyber hackers can attack your device and take control.
CERT-In has found threats in Google Chrome and Apple iTunes desktop applications. This flaw gives hackers an opportunity to break into users' devices. With this, hackers can gain control over the arbitrary code of the device. The government agency working under the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology has told how to avoid this.

According to CERT-In, many glitches have been found in Google Chrome. A bug was found in Visuals and ANGLE components called use-after-free. Hackers attack from specially crafted HTML pages, which can cause 'heap corruption'. These vulnerabilities affect Google Chrome users on desktop before version 124.0.6367.201/.202 for Windows and Mac and version 124.0.6367.201 for Linux. Users are advised to update their browsers immediately.

CERT-In clarified that the threat has come due to “incorrect verification in CoreMedia component” in Apple iTunes. A remote attacker could exploit this by sending a specially crafted request. If the hacker is successful in attacking, he can put arbitrary code on the device. This problem affects users of Apple iTunes on Windows before version 12.13.2. CERT-In advises users to update their software as a precautionary measure.

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